Hey yall!
Just wanted to share right quick...
A game changer for me, especially when it comes to leaving plans for when I’m not able to be there, but want the students to stay engaged in a self-directed, communicative activity that will grow their proficiency.
The parallel stories don’t have to be terribly complex for them to be “language-rich,” by the way. And they are parallel in that in one story, the character went to basketball practice after school on Friday, whereas in the Group B story, the character had swimming practice before school on Friday.
Another note (and don’t get mad at me, yall) but for coming up with good comprehension questions if the text, ChatGPT is your friend. Ain’t no shame in using a technological tool that is real, and available to help you more efficiently help your learners grow their proficiency. I usually just have true/false questions and students have to rewrite the false ones to make them true.
Then they link up with someone from a different group, and they have to “ask and answer a variety of questions” to conduct this comparative analysis of their stories. “My character plays basketball. Does yours play basketball?” “No, mine doesn’t play basketball but he swims! They both play sports. Did yours have practice?”
Sometimes I have them record that interpersonal piece, sometimes I don’t. I play that one by ear.
Then, they can take all of the little bullet points they plotted on their Venn diagrams to write it out in sentences/paragraphs (according to their appropriate level).
Then, of course there’s room to go over it together at a later date (write & discuss, for example), which is just more input and genuine use of the language.
Try it out and lemme know how it goes!