Hey friends,
Just a reminder that we will be holding our 3rd AfroFranco Book Club meeting this Friday, 22 October 2021 at 8PM Eastern to discuss Petit Pays de Gaël Faye.
I couldn't be more excited to link up with everybody. Please come, even if you haven't finished the book (full disclosure, I haven't finished it yet either. I'm hoping to be done by Friday though!)
Invite a friend, too! This time we will meet on Zoom as opposed to Google Meet. The updated link is in the attached Forum post.
Merci et à vendredi!

David Diop is prolific! Here's a link to the article in Le Monde about his new book, "La Porte du voyage sans retour" https://www.lemonde.fr/livres/article/2021/10/30/la-porte-du-voyage-sans-retour-david-diop-ravive-les-lumieres-et-rouvre-les-plaies-de-l-esclavage_6100423_3260.html