Hey, my beloved people,
I'm hoping this finds you all catching your breath, and truly leaning into rest and replenishment.
I wanted to take a quick minute to update about some of the really special opportunities I've got in the pipeline. I'm just so grateful for the ways things have been aligning for me and mine, as I do my best to walk in alignment with my purpose and all that.
So, first, I'm quite thrilled to announce that as of July 1, I am officially the Upper School Modern Language Department Chair at my school, Germantown Academy. I am cautiously hype about it. I know this is the work that feels right. I also know that there are many differences between doing workshops for folks who signed up for a workshop and then go home versus working with colleagues and navigating all of the other dynamics that come with seeing each other every day. I have faith that it'll come together, though. If not for anything else, I believe that it's an opportunity for me to learn about patience, and grace (especially toward myself). I have a brand new French teacher colleague starting this coming year as well and I think this person is going to be really great to work with.
Next week is the busiest of all weeks, starting with the CI-Reboot conference which I'm incredibly excited about. I'll be doing a few demos, presenting, and participating in a panel around the concept of positionality in the work that we do. Then, there's CI Summit, where I will also be working alongside some pretty amazing people in another panel discussing stereotypes and authentic, productive ways to teach culture in the language classroom.
Next, I'll spend a week in lovely St. Petersburg, Florida, where I will have the pleasure of doing a teaching demonstration, as well as the CLOSING KEYNOTE (!!!) for the Fluency Matters Conference. Ugh, I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to have this opportunity.
I'll also be a part of the Klett World Language Back 2 School Conference where myself and a few dozen other teachers who are all a lot smarter than me are presenting.
Lastly, as far as conferences this summer go, the following week I'll have the distinct privilege of attending and presenting at the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) Convention in Trois-Rivières, Québec!
Every single one of these conferences and conventions is packed with some of the most incredible teachers (and just human beings) and I couldn't be more humbled and honored to see my name alongside those of many folks whom I've admired so much.
This Fall, I'm really psyched to head down to Norfolk, VA to deliver the keynote address at the FLAVA 2023 Conference. So many of the teachers there are folks whose work I've been following forever, so I know I'll learn so much just from rubbing elbows with them.
Then, (and this is a biggie for me!!!), I've been invited by THE FRENCH EMBASSY!!!! to deliver the keynote address for the French luncheon at ACTFL in Chicago this November!
There's a couple more for 2024 that are already in the pipeline, but I'll save those for another forthcoming gratitude post.
I honestly can't tell you how blessed I feel to have all of these opportunities. I don't think I'll soon get over the fact that folks know my name and my work and want to give me a platform to share what I do.
All of these presentations and speaking engagements peppered in between teaching full-time, having a whole family, and doing all kinds of workshops & coaching .
I am as exhausted as I am excited lol
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to catch up with your boy. Please please please keep in touch! Few things bring me more joy than when y'all share with me the work you're doing in your classroom.
Otherwise, enjoy your summer, do the things that bring you life. Read books. Find your way into as many hammocks as possible. Drink water. All that.
I appreciate y'all.